Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentines Day

February 14th, the day we all go nuts over love, we declare our love for one another and sing it from the rooftops. Soulmate and I have never shared gifts on Valentines except when we were dating, those days it was usually some sort of intimate clothing to be modeled later! Now we are just glad to have a nice meal while the kids are sleeping!

To me love is not about that date, it isn't about the bling (although that would be nice!? hint, hint) True love is when your man changes a diaper while gaging at the toxic waste such a small infant can supply, holding your hand when you go for surgery and being there when you wake up, some one you can yell at, scream at (not me of course!) and know they will always forgive you. Love is watching a man on his hands and knees cleaning up vomit from your dog or child, it is when your man chooses a night snuggled on the couch watching TV over a bar with the boys, Love is when you don't have to say or do anything and you just know...so to all those who have this kind of love, like me, count your blessings, for those who don't keep searching, don't settle because no matter what I truly believe your soulmate is waiting..... Mine was.

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