Saturday, February 27, 2010


It was Firstborns birthday. My little girl turned 11! Not so little anymore, 2 inches away from being the same height as me, wearing the same size shoe as me (and stealing my shoes!) and with an attitude any 17 year old would be proud of!

The dilemma was what to do to recognise the day? We said that once she reached 10 that was the last of the "Big Birthday party". (Soulmate kept reminding me of last years sleepover and of how following I crawled into the fetal position for 3 days and would only emerge for alcohol) So I ignored him and agreed I would take her and 4 friends to the local beauty school for makeovers. hair up-do, make-up and nails followed by a "Fancy" lunch at a restaurant with real table cloths!

The day started off good, all the girls were getting along, singing in the car and being...well...girls! Then the divaness set it, tantrums flew from 1 girl as she didn't like her hair, another is crying as make-up got in her eyes, another is exclaiming that the restaurant of our choice was not "fancy" and did she have to chose from the children's menu!

5 hours later, we arrive home, with Lily content and grateful for a great day (her words not mine) and mum collapsing on the couch with a Gin & Tonic, Quincy's Valium and in need of her very own makeover!

So please remind me this time next year, that these parties are a thing of the past ......please!

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