Thursday, February 4, 2010

Decorating or is that what we call it!

Soulmate is extremely gifted in the creative art arena. He graduated from the Art Institute and is so talented it makes you vomit! Well, he has decided to take on a new project. Decorating baby's room. When I became pregnant with baby, Soulmate decorated a fabulous nursery with a farm scene. We had cows, we had sheep, we had tractors and apple trees and would have had a heck of a lot more if I didn't put my swollen ankled foot down and politely reminded him that we really do not need a bushel of fake apples, just finish the f*&^%$#!!! nursery before I go into labor!

Baby now wants to have a Jungle/Rain Forest room. So do we paint a few animals on the wall and buy a new jungle print comforter? Nooooooooo! we are creating a fake wall, with a waterfall, trees, greenery, parrots and other animals.

Today it is time for paper mache. The chicken wire is in place. First to the Internet (God bless Bill Gates) to search for paste instructions. Then to the pantry. What? we only have whole wheat flour. Are we healthy or something? No problems it is much better for you!
Tear strips of newspaper and soak in the paste, attach to chicken wire, simple right? Wrong! I hear cries of despair and many a howl coming from the bedroom (and it's not the kind I usually enjoy!). Soulmate is standing with flour paste dripping from his hands, with wet soggy newspaper slowly sliding down the chicken wire. There is nothing like the look of despair on a man who is dripping paper mache paste from his hands accompanied by asucking noise as the wet newspaper hits the tarp covering the carpet with a slow "Slurp"Back to Google and I will keep you posted!

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