Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is a football hooligan a national treasure?

Baby's school hosted a multi-cultural parade. As you and I are aware today's society consists of many races and colors. No, this is not a lecture on acceptance and we are all the same on the inside, it is not a debate about equality it is a blog entry about a little boy "representin".
I am, as we all know, British, I am also an US citizen and proud of it! I spent the first 21 years of my life in the UK, came to Canada as a Nanny and then transplanted my self in the US and have now been here 20 years! Soulmate was born and raised in the USA although his mother was born and raised in Yugoslavia and his fathers parents were Scottish, my kids are the descendants of a true Brit!

So what to wear for this parade, baby could be a Beefeater (look it up), but after he saw the photo of one was not "gonna dress like a girl!", he could be the Queens guard but where in the hell was I going to get a bayonet from?! I know..... we will dress him head to toe in England wear representing out national pastime (nooooooo, not cricket) football or soccer as it is known here in the US.

England's soccer Fans are a national institution. These passionate fans follow their teams to all corners of the fair land to show their support, including the local pub for a few bevvies after the game and a few flying fists to prove who has the best team.

Yeah, that's son attended the parade a soccer hooligan...oops I mean Fan. Dads England soccer shirt, England cap, carrying the union jack (Flag) but for some reason he refused to shout"ogie, ogie, ogie, oi, oi, oi!".

I thought he shone like a bright star amongst the Sari's, Tunics, Flamenco dresses. and turbans A true Brit to be proud of!

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