Saturday, September 26, 2009

Poor baby

We were all having a great time in the backyard, sunning ourselves and swimming. Baby was on one of his usual bug hunts, checking under bushes with his little net and container. When all of a sudden I heard screams, crying and turned to see baby screeching at the top of his lungs. Poor baby had sat on a Fire Ants nest. Now being a Brit from NY this is new to me but Fire Ants are a stinging kind of ant that like to swarm.

I yelled for baby to jump into the pool and as I took of his swim shorts off there must have been 40 or 50 of those little buggers crawling all over him. Little welts developed all over his bum, upper thighs and stomach.

I rushed to the Web and found how to treat them (ice, Aloe Gel, Benadryl, just in case). Thankfully baby has no long term effects except that he initially wanted to return to NY until we told him he would have never met Ash (frog) in NY and then he realised he does still like Texas and went back to looking for Gecko's!

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