Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My baby

It's official, Firstborn is all grown up. My little girl went off to camp today. She had her overloaded backpack, her sleeping bag and a grin from ear to ear. She was so excited. It is a camp thru the school and she will be gone 2 nights and 3 days. Did I feel teary eyed? maybe a little, but I think more then anything my heart was overflowing with pride. Once again, this child has proven to me her resilience , her strength and her readiness to grasp onto new experiences with a zest that is envious. What a child!

Now I am thru with the soppy stuff, Two nights, three days, no firstborn, no sibling squabbles with baby, no rolling of the eyes, no hands on the hips, Whooo Parrrrrtaaaay!

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