Thursday, September 24, 2009

ID theft

well, yes, it has happened to me. I have become a victim of identity theft. You read about it all the time, you take safety precautions and believe it will never happen to you, but it has and it will.

I received a call from Target regarding some unusual activity on my Target card. Well, there was charge for $114. 15 to something that no one has any idea what it is. A fraudulent claim has been filed, card cancelled and new one being issued but I'll be damned I am a victim.

How do I feel? Violated?, Nervous?, Anxious? none of those I am PISSED off! What has become to the integrity of the people of our fair country. I know it's only $114 and won't bankrupt me, but WTF, get your own damn credit, get your own job, stop leeching of me and every other law abiding citizen who works hard in this country not waiting for a handout. What happened to integrity and Honor? I would like to believe that they are words that still have some meaning in the world today.

Will this stop me from using credit cards? no, Will this stop me from Internet shopping? no, Will this make me change all passwords and user name? you betcha.

Finally....a kudos for Target for picking up on this so quickly, another reason to shop there!

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