Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Since we have now been in Texas for over 4 months I really feel we have settled in and this is home. I still miss my NY friends and family of course but home is where my family is so here we are! The weather is still pleasant though we had a spat of rain for 4 days. I say that lightly as it down poured consistently for 4 days! but other then that the weather is amazing, even with the rain it was a "cool" 78 degrees. The kids have settled in school really well, baby is moving in leaps and bounds with his reading and speech is improving as well. Firstborn has made some nice Friends from good families. The schools here have a wonderful computerized system much to Firstborns disdain. I can log on to the schools portal and observe any of Firstborns work. I also receive emails if there is a failing grade or an assignment not handed in on time. It is a great interactive system and help us as parents to become hands on with our kids education. I can not even compare it to our last historic adventures in the NY school system.

Anyway, since I now exclusively work from home I figure I can change things about myself since I do not meet anyone on a professional basis, (maybe I should say experiment??). The first thing I go for is my hair. Now, I am not a shrinking violet, I know it is very hard to tell, but I will admit I have always been a bit of an attention grabber and my hair has been many hues for that reason. I am a natural, alright I admit, don't know my natural color, it has been so long , maybe I'm gray but I doubt it, I have been all colors of the spectrum most recently black which everyone seemed to approve. So here I am standing in the aisle at Walmart, staring like a kid in a candy sore, at all the hair colors. Hmmmmmmmmm? Shall I do fuchsia highlights with the black, shall I go back to blond? or chestnut, it is fall? decisions, decisions, wait... what is this?...a system to deprive your hair of all color so you can start with a fresh canvas..... throw that in the basket, ...ohhhhhhhhh I like this, mahogany red with Cinnamon highlights, OK that's the one.

Come home, use the hair stripping system, leave on 25 minutes, while waiting do some work, oh crap it has been 35 minutes, oh well, will only make it better right???. Wash that off, now the mahogany all over color, more work another 25 minutes, wash that of.... now for the Cinnamon highlights, a little here, a little there, wait another 20 minutes or so, dog needs to go out, oh boy another 30 minutes, wash that off and voila........a multicolored head of red, rich brown, orange?, yellow?, a left over black mmmmmmmmmm.

Family comes home actually like this new rainbow do so will keep it for a while...... maybe

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