Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Lindsey Lohan in the family...

Took our dog Q-Tip to the vets for some shots and check up because of the recent seizure diagnosis. My fluffy friend does not usually worry about the vet, but for some reason this time he seemed a little amped up. Kinda like Soulmate in Tortola before the naked fishing exhibition (See Tortola blog post).

We arrive at the vets and we are waiting for about 20 minutes as they had an emergency visit prior to our arrival. We then get called back into a room and answer the usual questions from the vet tech. This tech proceeds to take Q out into the back to receive his injections and to have blood drawn. I am sitting in this room minding my own business and wondering how many animals have peed on the chair I am sitting on, when chaos ensues.

I hear a yelp, a cry and then a very loud "NO!". Holy Sh*T! I know it's mine. it has to be.... have you read my blog? Next a Tech comes in and tells me everything is OK and the vet will be in shortly.

The vet arrives to tell me that the tech performed all the vaccinations with no issues and Q-Tip was quiet and behaving very well, so without the usual assistance the tech goes to draw blood from my Q and he turns around and bites her. The vet states that there was no aggression or growling but the Tech probably startled him. This vet was extremely apologetic as she thinks it was more the techs fault and not Q's but still in future they will put one of those delightful Elizabethan collars on him just to be safe (You know those collars, the ones that prevent the animal from licking anything that might be the slight bit of fun)

OK, then this is not so bad right?, Q-Tip reacted normally to a needle being stuck in his leg, no big deal. It's all over and no need to worry. (Having dealt with an extremely aggressive pet in the past this sort of stuff gets me so worked up)

The next day I receive a phone call. "Hi this is Officer Rodriguez" My mind is now racing faster then a turkey on thanksgiving, what did I do recently?, (too much to count) What did Soulmate do?(Tortola) hell, what did my Family do!!!

"May I speak with the owner of Q-Tip"

First thought deny any such animal exists but " this is her" involuntarily came out of my mouth.

Officer Rodriguez (animal control officer) states that a dog bite was reported and that it is their policy to quarantine any animal that has bitten another for 10 days. Since Q is current on vaccinations he is able to be on quarantine at home but the officer needs to check out the property.

So Animal cop shows up at my house, divulges that a physician called in the bite not the vet, I explained what had happened and he agreed that if someone approached him with a needle he might bite them too! Following the house inspection, Kujo was approved for house arrest

So for 10 days he has to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet, that monitors his aggression level and alcohol intake... nah, just kidding, he has to be kept in the house and back yard with no contact with anyone outside the family for 10 days. A little inconvenient but what can you do?

Shame tho, I was just lining up a photo shoot for the AKC annual magazine, with Q laying on the couch, with his seductive skinny leg draping over the side, with his monitoring bracelet on full show!

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