Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bugs, Flu and other germs

It all started on Monday, Soulmate woke up and went for a bike ride. We have both been making attempts at a more fit and active lifestyle and this is his part. (Does much better then me, I might add!) Anyway, he returned and said he wasn't feeling too well. Soulmate felt nauseous and had heartburn. Being the caring, loving nurse I am, I told him to suck it up and get over it!

Anyway, off to work he went, the trooper he is or off he went to escape for the kids and me since there is no camp this week, hmmm, you make the call.

I received a call from Soulmate, once he got to work, who then proceeded to describe the violent, explosive diarrhea he had just experienced. The description included color, sounds and even texture. Sometimes it stinks (no pun intended) to be nurse!

By 4.00pm, soulmate was on his way home, an early retreat from work, due to his current bowel issues. I personally think the office got rid of him because it was one the girls turns to clean the bathrooms! By this time, I was feeling achy and experiencing stomach cramps.

I took myself off to bed where soulmate came and joined me within a few minutes. The kids proceed to take care of us, which they thought was hysterical, by bringing us drinks, flowers (picked from my garden), books, magazines and anything else we might need.

We made it thru the night and got the kids to bed. Fell asleep around 10.00pm only to be woken up by baby crying in the bathroom with stomach ache and yes, the same issues as Soulmate.Then we were off........

Baby continued to vomit and sh*t every 30 minutes until 9.30am. This poor kid did not stand a chance. He did not know whether to sit down or stand in the bathroom. Well, I don't want to get to graphic (actually I do but I guess I shall spare you) at one point he was naked bent over praying to the porcelain God, retching, when a brown soup came shooting out of his lower half with the force of any rocket NASA would be proud to name theirs, hitting the lime (I didn't paint them) green wall of our bathroom! It sprayed out in a very artistic fan patter in a semi circle across the wall dripping down to the molding and floor.

Now, need I remind you that I was not feeling too hot myself, so on my hand and knees, with help from soulmate, I was spraying bleach and scrubbing at gravy stains to the dulcet tones of baby vomiting, Soulmate tooting and my own retching!...

Thank God it only lasted 12 hours and Firstborn did not get sick. See even germs are scared of her!

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