Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day

Today is my kids first day of school in Texas. Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm not the sappy kind but there is something about the first day that chokes me up. They look so cleanly scrubbed, excited for the what the day may bring and sooooooo grown up.

Baby is entering first grade. He walked tall carrying his new backpack wondering what friends he will meet and trying to desperately to remember his address and phone number so he can "tell all his new friends".

First born looked so pretty, with a new haircut and clothes. Wanting to walk home from school, worrying about taking a shower in Gym, where her locker will be and wondering how many friends she will make. The both of them are so grown up and time has just gone by in a blink of an eye.

I am so proud of my kids that I can drag them across the country from NY to TX, that they settle into their new life so easily and face this huge step of starting a new school with nothing more then excitement and confidence. I love those kids!

....and me, well I did shed a few tears, have not done too much work today, I keep looking at the clock and their schedules wondering what they are doing right now. But tomorrow, well, that's another day and another story.

My plan for the rest of the week: once the kids are at school, work like crazy to be done by noon and Cannon Balls here I come! Float in the pool for a little R & R after my busy morning and then get ready to pick the kids up from school. .. yeah, I am going to be alright, I am going to be just fine!

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