Friday, May 15, 2009

The loves of my life

I have two wonderful children, a boy and girl. Most of the time I look at these amazing human beings with awe and wonder but there are those days when.........

Well, today was one of them. Baby was petting our family mutt, quietly, contently, when Firstborn comes into the room to advise him he is doing it wrong. She proceeded to instruct him on the correct technique on petting a dog (obviously she is the expert since she attended and graduated vet school). Then it all went downhill from there and to cut a long story short ended with a kick to the shin by one and a punch to the belly by the other. OMG! ...and it was only 6.30am!!!

Needless, to say they were sent to their separate corners, isolated for the rest of the morning until it was time for school and grounded until they are 50. There are some days that I just cannot recall too easily those angelic faces , wrapped in swaddling clothes, blinking up at me. All I can recall is that big 'ole head being sweatily pushed forth, the stitches I received and the D & C's that followed.

Thank the Lord for short term memory loss because once those kids come running out of school, Baby tripping over his backpack that's about the same size as he is and firstborn bearing proudly her latest test score, all is forgiven.

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