Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today I have been married for 15 years. I am proud of that fact as not many people can say that in today's day and age. I feel like I should get all sappy about how 15 years ago my dreams came true, my life began, my one and only etc, etc but I have only just recently expressed how I feel about Soul mate and well, let's be honest he doesn't need his head to get any bigger!

Instead let's just touch on the subtle changes of a relationship with your spouse over the years. Soul mate and I have always exchanged the traditional gifts. Our first anniversary, Paper, I wrote a poem of my undying love, Soul mate hand colored a photo of me on our wedding day, we had a romantic dinner with candlelight a hot bath and you can imagine the rest!

Over the years we have celebrated in similar ways. Now, it is 15 years, we have a babysitter, and this is how it goes....

Soul mate opens the door to the basement (where my office is located) and yells "Tonight we are going to have some fried greasy food, in a bar, followed by numerous Lagers (beer), followed by more disgusting greasy food and ending with a fried lager!"

I love you babe! you know the way to my heart!

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