Sunday, May 17, 2009

...The day after

Today is a mellow day and will probably filled with lots of packing. Yesterday, we had our garage sale. Quite a interesting crowd. ....Who would have thought?

What really makes we laugh is that we always put a start time in the ad and these clowns are waiting outside the house 45 minutes before the start time. These guy are all collectors and bum rush the garage like I am giving away free Tim Horton's along with a pack of smokes.

Anyway, it was a successful day, followed by a celebratory dinner where we informed the kids that we got the house we wanted. Shirley Temples all round!

Just one more thing, we signed the contracts on the sale of our house in NY on March 26, 2009. The approximate close date is May 26, 2009. A total of 8 weeks. We signed the contracts on the purchase of out house in Texas on May 16, 2009 and will be closing no later then June 8, 2009. A total of 3 weeks. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....need I say more.

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