Thursday, May 21, 2009

Here we go again....

I feel compelled to write about my observations that have occurred within the Lockport City School district particularly Roy B Kelly. I have 2 children that attend this elementary school. One is a student in the 4th grade and has been attending this school since Kindergarten. Through the Grades K, 1 and 2, my child excelled as student, incurring repots cards to make a parent proud with no blips on their academic career. We as parents were observing the slow decline of the school. The cliental, the poverty, the teachers but as responsible parents felt that out home ethics would prevail over the school environment. Alas that was not to be.

As my child has now gone thru third and fourth grade, the decline of this school is sadly beginning to have an impact. My child is becoming a product of her environment. We now endure street talk; my child has been verbally sexually harassed, sworn at, called every imaginable name under the sun, words that’s meaning I did not expect to have to explain to a 10 year old child.

I have always belonged to the school of thought that you do not fight your child battles but encourage then to handle the issues through the appropriate channels but when my child approaches a teacher regarding verbal bullying and is asked buy said teacher “what do you want me to do about it?” when my child is being penalized by association and that other incorrigible student incurs Student of the month for honesty week because when they do something against the rules they always own up to, when my child is reversed bullied because her parents are two professionals, married for many years, are able to provide independently for their child. Enough is enough. This is the reason people are relocating, this is the reason private school enrollment is on the rise, this is the reason that we are moving and are counting the days, like a child waiting for Christmas, to get the heck out of this area. Our cries of outrage have fallen on deaf ears; the only cries that get heard are the ones that are below the poverty line, from one-parent families, from children of felons. Well good luck Lockport because we have had it. Why do you always lose the good families? This is why!

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