Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today is the day after our leaving party. We all had a great time and it was a resounding success. Thanks to all our friends and family. It was the perfect send off.

Now I need to concentrate on completing the packing to be ready for our cross country journey. Today we had planned to spend the day packing. Soul mate cleaned the lawn mover, weed whacker, packed the kitchen, cleaned the garage, mowed the lawn, Firstborn cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen, Me....laundry, Motrin, left overs, vacuum, Motrin more left overs, 2 hour nap, Motrin, left overs, spurt of energy, cleaned my office, made dinner for the kids (leftovers), Motrin, Tums (from all those left overs).... now I am sipping a peppermint tea, thinking of bed, reflecting on the day realising just how busy I have been!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Today I have been married for 15 years. I am proud of that fact as not many people can say that in today's day and age. I feel like I should get all sappy about how 15 years ago my dreams came true, my life began, my one and only etc, etc but I have only just recently expressed how I feel about Soul mate and well, let's be honest he doesn't need his head to get any bigger!

Instead let's just touch on the subtle changes of a relationship with your spouse over the years. Soul mate and I have always exchanged the traditional gifts. Our first anniversary, Paper, I wrote a poem of my undying love, Soul mate hand colored a photo of me on our wedding day, we had a romantic dinner with candlelight a hot bath and you can imagine the rest!

Over the years we have celebrated in similar ways. Now, it is 15 years, we have a babysitter, and this is how it goes....

Soul mate opens the door to the basement (where my office is located) and yells "Tonight we are going to have some fried greasy food, in a bar, followed by numerous Lagers (beer), followed by more disgusting greasy food and ending with a fried lager!"

I love you babe! you know the way to my heart!

Monday, May 25, 2009 have to love 'em

Just to preface my parents have an account here since they travel within the US so much however the account is in Soul mates name. They are currently traveling and wanted access to their account so Soul mate got them an ATM card. A recent conversation that took place between my parents and Soul mate (When reading, please use your best British accent for Parents):

Parents: We have been trying to buy gas with this card and it won't work

Soul mate: That's because it's an ATM card , you can only draw money out.

Parents: Oh, so it's not a Debit card?

Soul mate: No, it's an ATM card, that you requested, you can draw money out from anywhere in the country

Parents: Oh, It's just we wanted to buy cousin Gas and the card won't work

Soul mate: No, it's an ATM card, pay cash for the gas

Parents: Oh, we really wanted to buy the Gas but they will only takes cards

Soul mate: Let cousin buy the Gas on his card and then pay him in cash which you can get out with the ATM card

Parents: Oh, we are worried we might need more cash, can we get more?

Soul mate: You can get $300 a day

Parents: Oh, can you increase the limit?

Soul mate: No, but you can draw money out daily, that should be plenty

Parents: Oh, we like the Debit card, because now we just have all this cash.

Soul mate: You can use the cash, it works like a Debit card

Parents: Oh, we just like the debit card because we have so much cash

Soul Mate: It is the card you wanted

Parents: Can you send us a check because we are scared we might run out of money

Soul mate: ..............Click

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quick update

Just a quickie to keep you informed about the move. The home inspector completed the evaluation at our house in Texas and it passed with flying colors. We have all the info on our sale and now have a closing date of May 29, 2009. Yippee! Things seem to be going smoothly (whisper) and I just looked at the calender and realized I have 3 weeks left to get my arse into gear and pack. Ever wish you were Samantha from Bewitched? Next week is our leaving party then we will have 1 week left until we mosey on down to Texas, y'all where I am fixin to furnish my new house.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Here we go again....

I feel compelled to write about my observations that have occurred within the Lockport City School district particularly Roy B Kelly. I have 2 children that attend this elementary school. One is a student in the 4th grade and has been attending this school since Kindergarten. Through the Grades K, 1 and 2, my child excelled as student, incurring repots cards to make a parent proud with no blips on their academic career. We as parents were observing the slow decline of the school. The cliental, the poverty, the teachers but as responsible parents felt that out home ethics would prevail over the school environment. Alas that was not to be.

As my child has now gone thru third and fourth grade, the decline of this school is sadly beginning to have an impact. My child is becoming a product of her environment. We now endure street talk; my child has been verbally sexually harassed, sworn at, called every imaginable name under the sun, words that’s meaning I did not expect to have to explain to a 10 year old child.

I have always belonged to the school of thought that you do not fight your child battles but encourage then to handle the issues through the appropriate channels but when my child approaches a teacher regarding verbal bullying and is asked buy said teacher “what do you want me to do about it?” when my child is being penalized by association and that other incorrigible student incurs Student of the month for honesty week because when they do something against the rules they always own up to, when my child is reversed bullied because her parents are two professionals, married for many years, are able to provide independently for their child. Enough is enough. This is the reason people are relocating, this is the reason private school enrollment is on the rise, this is the reason that we are moving and are counting the days, like a child waiting for Christmas, to get the heck out of this area. Our cries of outrage have fallen on deaf ears; the only cries that get heard are the ones that are below the poverty line, from one-parent families, from children of felons. Well good luck Lockport because we have had it. Why do you always lose the good families? This is why!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I was listening to a song of the radio today. It was one of those typical love songs about young love etc. I began to think of all the loves in my life but the one most important to me is the one of soul mate. I truly believe, and always have, that there is your one complete match that was written in the stars predestined when you were just a twinkle in your father's eye. I have found mine and every day feel truly blessed that, somehow, some way a girl from England, came to Canada, went shopping in the USA and found the most wonderful thing to ever happen to her. Whoever, whatever you are, that made the stars line up and fate fulfill it's purpose, I Thank You! I am truly grateful.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


People have many talents of various degrees, some can sing, some can draw (Soul mate), some have talents of dubious qualities (me and please don't ask)but a good friend of mine is extremely talented in the photography department

These shots take my breath away.

Thank you for Friends such as these. Just remember whether your talent is as picture perfect or if it is being able to remain standing after 6 shots of Tequila while singing "New York, New York" we are all special in our own way.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

...The day after

Today is a mellow day and will probably filled with lots of packing. Yesterday, we had our garage sale. Quite a interesting crowd. ....Who would have thought?

What really makes we laugh is that we always put a start time in the ad and these clowns are waiting outside the house 45 minutes before the start time. These guy are all collectors and bum rush the garage like I am giving away free Tim Horton's along with a pack of smokes.

Anyway, it was a successful day, followed by a celebratory dinner where we informed the kids that we got the house we wanted. Shirley Temples all round!

Just one more thing, we signed the contracts on the sale of our house in NY on March 26, 2009. The approximate close date is May 26, 2009. A total of 8 weeks. We signed the contracts on the purchase of out house in Texas on May 16, 2009 and will be closing no later then June 8, 2009. A total of 3 weeks. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....need I say more.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Home shopping

We got the house. Oh yeah....We got the house, yeah........... Take that MOFO!!!!!!

The loves of my life

I have two wonderful children, a boy and girl. Most of the time I look at these amazing human beings with awe and wonder but there are those days when.........

Well, today was one of them. Baby was petting our family mutt, quietly, contently, when Firstborn comes into the room to advise him he is doing it wrong. She proceeded to instruct him on the correct technique on petting a dog (obviously she is the expert since she attended and graduated vet school). Then it all went downhill from there and to cut a long story short ended with a kick to the shin by one and a punch to the belly by the other. OMG! ...and it was only 6.30am!!!

Needless, to say they were sent to their separate corners, isolated for the rest of the morning until it was time for school and grounded until they are 50. There are some days that I just cannot recall too easily those angelic faces , wrapped in swaddling clothes, blinking up at me. All I can recall is that big 'ole head being sweatily pushed forth, the stitches I received and the D & C's that followed.

Thank the Lord for short term memory loss because once those kids come running out of school, Baby tripping over his backpack that's about the same size as he is and firstborn bearing proudly her latest test score, all is forgiven.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The moving saga

So for the next installment in the rodeo to Texas. Two weeks ago Soul mate and I went house hunting in Texas. We viewed 19 houses in one day!.... with one of us with a slight hangover and one of us with taco induced gas (Clue: One of them was not the realtor). We took video of houses that we were interested in as after the first 10 or so they all blur together and the only memorable thing was whether Soul mate used the bathroom and did he remember to flush?

Anyway, we found a home that was 90% what we were looking for. It had the 4 bedrooms, the game room, the pool and some grass for the dog to yellow and the kids to play. We put an offer on this house Tuesday. We knew it was a fairly low offer but compared to the neighbour that was also for sale, (bigger and less money), this owner was over priced. This old buffoon came back to us yesterday with a reduction of $5000 with a request to lease from us for 1 month. Obviously, this is not feasible since we close on our property hopefully on May 22, 2009. Our agent advised this old maggot that leasing was not an option so he retaliated stating that without the lease option he wants the asking price. Good luck with that son!

So last night I had to soothe soul mate who was ready to curl into a ball while hugging his bottle of spiced rum. I on the other hand am not too upset. I feel we are in the driver's seat and this old fool can suck in my exhaust fumes.

Having cajoled soul mate to a functioning status of acceptance doesn't this old codger come back to us today with a counter offer. Who's laughing now old man!!!!!!! Let the games begin. Stayed tuned!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The begining

OK, here we go. Have never done anything like this before and may never do it again. What prompted me to do this. except the fact that it is just like talking to myself? I am moving from NY state to Texas in a few weeks. Having been born and raised in the UK, adventured to Canada, and currently residing in NY, I thought maybe it might be a good idea to write things down. If you came here looking for some insightful self help snippet, I think you are out of luck but if you like to hear a woman of 40 ramble on, Welcome!