Saturday, May 8, 2010

Part 4

Now, baby can get a little obsessed about things. Once he likes something he talks about it non-stop and I mean non-stop. When he was a toddler it is was Thomas the Tank engine, then we went thru Lego's, then Bakugans well right now we are back to Pokemon.

Day in and Day out baby waffles on about strategy, power points, energy and evolving of Pokemon. I also know that there are 4 energy types! He even talks in his sleep for God's sake!

Now, I am really trying hard to listen but I do sometimes Grunt a really? or a Ohhh? with not really paying attention.

Baby: So you understand right Mum?

Me: Gulp!. I have no idea what he was talking about. Sure Honey.

Baby: If that's true what did I just say?

Me. Crap! busted!'s.. mumbling energy....uhm muttering Power...

Baby: I knew it! I just used reverse Psychology in you and it worked!

Me: Where did this little troll spawn come from? Reverse Psychology? I will show you reverse Psychology you little SH**!

Go wash up from dinner please!

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