Friday, April 2, 2010

Soccer or football as we call it

Baby has been wanting to start soccer. I have hummed and hawed over this as my kids are not the most coordinated of the bunch. For example, baby, the hunking great 7 year old still needs training wheels on his bike.

Anyways I finally agreed and found a team which is attached to a church. Here in Texas they take their sports very seriously and I did not want to expose baby to that at this age. Also remember that famous tale of the mother murdering a cheerleader. I did not want that to be me.

Baby had his soccer evaluation and I warned soulmate not to be too disappointed if my son, who has as much stability as a duck on ice, did not do so well. Well, lo and behold I have quite a decent soccer player on My hands. he dribbled, he passed and he scored. yeah! you go baby and we all know who deserves the credit for this. Me of course! it's the British blood!!!

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