Sunday, April 4, 2010


We recently attended an open house at baby's school. He was so excited to show us his art work, his math and his writing book. Next was his journal. The kids write in their journal periodically and what a revelation this was.

Baby had a bad day as his sister hates him and was mean to him, baby had a good day because his sister shared with him, baby has a poor day because his sister would not talk to him, his sister hates his squeaky voice. A common theme here?

I made Firstborn read everyone of these entries to see if that would hit home. Her response?...I don't hate you baby, You just are really annoying!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Soccer or football as we call it

Baby has been wanting to start soccer. I have hummed and hawed over this as my kids are not the most coordinated of the bunch. For example, baby, the hunking great 7 year old still needs training wheels on his bike.

Anyways I finally agreed and found a team which is attached to a church. Here in Texas they take their sports very seriously and I did not want to expose baby to that at this age. Also remember that famous tale of the mother murdering a cheerleader. I did not want that to be me.

Baby had his soccer evaluation and I warned soulmate not to be too disappointed if my son, who has as much stability as a duck on ice, did not do so well. Well, lo and behold I have quite a decent soccer player on My hands. he dribbled, he passed and he scored. yeah! you go baby and we all know who deserves the credit for this. Me of course! it's the British blood!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Daddy's and their daughters

I recently watched a show called "Parenthood". Do you watch this? Anyway if you don't it is a drama surrounded around a family of siblings and their life adventures. A recent episode was about a 15 year old girl who was rebelling, dating without her parents knowledge and on the brink of her sexual awaking. It made me think of myself at that age and what I went through. (but hell, that's a whole new blog!). It did make me think of Firstborn. At age 11 and in today's society she is on the brink on many things.

She recently had a Daddy Daughter dance at school and watching those two leave for the dance all dressed up did make me feel poignant, just a little.

My other thought was Holy Crap! she will be out of the house soon!!! Whoo Hoo!!