Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First concert

OK, as a family we watched Never say Never, the Justin Bieber movie...Love the Bieb, especially after that movie! Anyway Firstborn made a comment that she didn't get why everyone was screaming and going nuts at the concert. Soulmate and I tried to express how it feels when the lights are dimmed, the bass starts thumping, the crowd starts screaming, you catch your breath and Duran Duran walks onto the stage (OK I know I'm aging myself) but it's difficult to explain especially when she says "who's Duran Duran?!".
Soulmate decided to give her the experience first hand and surprised her with tickets for myself and her to catch Katy Perry at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie. Well, what fun we had! When we arrived lots of blue wigs and candy colored clothes and that was just the men!
Firstborn and I danced, screamed and sang to all the songs and I felt I really showed the young 'un what it was all about! Now she understands and now she wants to know what's next?... I dunno, anyone know if Culture Club still tours?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm Useless

Yes, I'm worthless, no blogging since February what the heck is my issue. My parents stayed with me for 6 weeks it's not like I'm without material! Shall I try again??..Hmmm... Maybe..who the heck knows!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


OK, I have over the last few weeks been a bystander, as Soulmate has been volunteering for the Superbowl at Cowboys stadium. He has been working with the stage crew for the halftime show. What an experience, up close and personal with many celebrity's especially the Black Eyed Peas! Lots of excitement.

Now you all know I love my Soulmate dearly and anyone who knows him knows he can get a shall we put it..hmmm, Hyper? Well, imagine this for the last few weeks I have been listening to every chord and every lyric of the half time show verbally and dramatically played to me over and over again by Soulmate. Air guitars, imaginary drums, fist pumping, teenage girls screaming, BEP's singing and dance routines performed by 15 year old girls, have been all reenacted by my tone deaf, 6ft 4in Soulmate. I appreciate his excitement I understand his happiness and I Love his enthusiasm more then anything but it is, to be nice, wearing a little thin.

We joked when Soulmate first got picked out of 7oo plus volunteers to be part of the crew, that he may abandon his family to be one of Fergie's road crew but right now, if I have to hear one more whiney air guitar rift "ne, wah, wah wah nah" I am taking Soulmate by the hand to personally escort him to Fergie's Tour bus, freshly laundered clean underwear in hand, saying "Take him, Please!". ...Just keep sending me the checks homey!

Time flies...

Wow, has it really been 7 months since my last entry. Really??? Good job no one reads this sh@#T! Ok so whats been going on? I cannot recap over the last 7 months as it would be like rewriting the bible but I will try to at least offer a weekly entry at best OK?...count this as entry number 1 haha!