Monday, July 20, 2009

Getting to know the neighbourhood

Well, it has been 1 month since we arrived in Texas. Feelings so far? Love it! I, of course miss our friends and family but all in all the experience and adjustment has gone smoothly. What have we done so far? Have found the local library, very busy, smaller then we are used to but very nice. The kids and I all became members, checked out books and have already been late returning them so no changes there. This past weekend was very exciting. Our first visit to a real Texas ranch. We set off with excitement in out hearts and even listened to some country music on the way. This was difficult for soul mate who is more used to listening to Black Eyed Peas not eating them. We arrived, and boy it was no disappointment. Cactus, dust, cattle, deer, horses and real live cowboys! Is there anything more hot then a good looking man in tight jeans, stetson, spurs, cowboy boots riding his trusty horse? ( I could think of other things he could be riding but we won't go there!).

Baby had an absolute blast, looking for snakes and coming up to me asking for baggies to take home the bugs he found. Unfortunately mama could just not get her hand on those baggies. Darn it! He also made a new Friend of Black Lab, Halle.

Firstborn enjoyed herself to with the horse riding etc but she did get a little bored looking for deer at 11pm with a spotlight on the pick up. OMG, I think I might be a redneck. Thankfully, there was a beautiful newborn present to keep firstborn happy.

There is nothing like sitting around the fire pit , listening to the occasional whinny of a horse or mooing of a cow looking for it's calf, hearing the gigantic crickets chirping. I wanted to get out my pioneer dress and cowboy boots , cook brisket and start putting my washing through the wringer, but then I realized the only cowboy boots I have were purchased in NY, the closest dress I have to pioneer woman is a little cotton spaghetti strap number, I don't know where to get a wringer and I am a vegetarian! Oh, well it was good while it lasted.

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