Wednesday, June 10, 2009


OK, I don't know if anyone is left out there in cyber space since it has been so long since I have posted but I am going to continue anyway Numbered Listas if I am standing on the stage at Kodak Theatre preaching to the American Idol fan base! 2 days left to Texas and oh boy what has been happening. Here is a quick and brief update... deep breath.. here we go.....Got the 26 foot moving van Tuesday, soul mate and I had dentist cleanings, apparently for some reason I must be stressed as I am grinding my teeth more than usual and have worn away a filling that now has to be replaced Back to the dentist Thursday. Soul mate's teeth are perfect as he like to keep reminding me. Dress up in business attire and get on the road to a work lunch only to have boss cancel . Incidentally boss knew early in the morning lunch was cancelled and forgot to mention this. Got a call from the bank in Texas to inform us that the papers we had frantically got notarized on Saturday and next day aired to Texas, had mistakenly by them, been dated wrong and needed to be redone. ... ran back to the bank to get new papers notarized and Fed Exed to Texas. Called vet for heart worm and flea drops, only to be advised Dog has not had a vet appointment for over a year so dog rushed to the vet at 2.30pm...$232 later that was taken care off. Meanwhile I am supposed to be working and training a new nurse, Poor girl she must think that our house is an utter insane asylum. Kids picked up from school, drove one to a play date second to karate then a play date. Start loading the truck while no kids around. kids return, put to bed, one crying because she is going to miss her friends.. close truck, have a soak in the hot tub and go to bed......and that was just Tuesday!!!!!!. Today....Wednesday I think.... call from Texas the house is officially ours and keys were given to our realtor...what house? .....Texas where?..... What is my name?....... Why am I drooling?...Brylin anyone?????

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