Sunday, January 31, 2010

A New Year, A New Commitment.........maybe

OK, yes it has been approximately 4 months since my last entry, yes, I am a slacker, yes, I am a procrastinator, yes , I am all the above and, slap on the wrists over, I am going to try to do this again. For how long? who knows but here I go......

What started me blogging again? you may ask. Well, mainly I watched the movie Julie & Julia last night . Have you seen it? in brief, it is about Julia Child and a modern day average girl, Julie who writes a blog as she attempts to complete the whole French Cooking book recipes in 1 year and decides to document her journey thru a blog. So, here I am...pathetic....maybe.. but who cares, I'm not sure anyone reads this anyway.

I could go back on the last months and having had my parents stay with us for 6 weeks, have an immense plethora of subjects and content to keep us entertained until the Apocalypse but I shall focus on the future (mum and dad are breathing a sigh of relief as I type!)

Today, I woke up grumpy. Why? may have been the inconsiderate bottom feeder of a neighbour that was partying in his backyard to 2am turning the air blue with his colorful language, it may have been the snoring soulmate laying next to me, who although I love with to the utter most core, I often think of covering with a pillow and dealing with the consequences in the morning, but I think it was thinking of my dear 'ol Q-Tip.

Those who know me, know Q is my third child. He is a 6 year old Cock-a-Poo (who soulmate when inroducing, always preface with, his more cock then poo!). Q has been with us since baby was 2 years old. He is a gentle soul with alot of puppy energy. He can drive you to the brink of madness with his incessant barking and lack of obedience but then he opens your heart when he plops his head on your lap and stares at you with those big brown eyes.
Anyway, On Saturday night Q-Tip had a seizure. Looking back this was probably his third although the others were very mild therefore I had not identified them. Q was fast asleep, when he suddenly jumped up from the floor and landed quivering in soulmates lap. We put him down on the floor and he started stumbling sideways, bumping into the furniture. We carried him into the kitchen where he promptly fell to the floor, cracking his white fluffy jaw on the tile, and then proceeded to go into a full blown seizure. Sad....yes, scary..extremely. I had soulmate getting redder and redder in the face thinking we were going to lose him, baby was crying and thank the lord that firstborn was at a Mavericks game because then we would have had to deal with the drama of a screaming tempest. Being a nurse, I , of course, was the cool and collected one, stroking Q-tip until he was done and holding his head while he vomited. (Soulmate claened that one up, bless him!)

Needless to say, Q-Tip came out of this and is fine today. Tomorrow we will take him to the vets and hopefully with the right meds he will not have to suffer like that again. Of course, being a nurse there are a hundred other causes for the seizure that my mind wanders to but seizure disorders are treatable...and we must stay positive....right?